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1. Melissa Anderson Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Jacob MUSHRUSH, Sarah Ann MUSHRUSH, Charles HUSTON, Harold HUSTON, Charlotte HUSTON, Melissa HUSTON Anderson Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN, BRUCE, CALDWEL, SEEMAN 2. Dixie Asbury Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Margaret MUSHRUSH, Lizzie TERRILL, Theodora CUSWORTH, Jewell POOLE, Dixie SLADE Asbury Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN, CUSWORTH 3. Janice Benjamin Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Andrew J. MUSHRUSH, Lewis MUSHRUSH, Emma Myrtle (MUSHRUSH) Wagner, Pauline (WAGNER) Michelsen, Janice MICHELSEN Benjamin Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN, PAINTER, GREER, WAGNER, MICHELSEN, BENJAMIN 4. Jean Beierlein Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Andrew MUSHRUSH, James MUSHRUSH, Chester MUSHRUSH, John MUSHRUSH, Jean MUSHRUSH Beierlein Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN, FOSTER, WESTFALL, HUTCHISON, PAINTER 5. Tammy (Mushrush) Berger Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Andrew MUSHRUSH, Eli MUSHRUSH, Clarence MUSHRUSH, Howard MUSHRUSH, Caroll MUSHRUSH, Tammy MUSHRUSH Berger Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN, PAINTER 6. Kim Anderson Bloodgood Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Jacob MUSHRUSH, Jr., Mary MUSHRUSH, James GOODLIN, Arthur GOODLIN, Lois Jane GOODLIN, Craig ANDERSON, Kim ANDERSON BLOODGOOD Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN, GOODLIN, ANDERSON 7. Judy Christiansen Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., George MUSHRUSH, Richard Jefferson MUSHRUSH, Gertrude Lela MUSHRUSH, Carl Frances GREGGS, Judy Ellen GREGGS Christiansen Other related names to these main surnames: GARWOOD, SMOCK, GREGGS 8. Gary Coates Descendancy Line: ?????, George W. MUSHRUSH, William Wilson MUSHRUSH, George Wilson MUSHRUSH, Ida Bedelle MUSHRUSH, Gary Coates Other related names to these main surnames: BEDELL, BRADY, HASTIE 9. Mary Jo Davis Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., George MUSHRUSH, Isaac Garwood MUSHRUSH, Elt MUSHRUSH, Mary Jo MUSHRUSH Davis Other related names to these main surnames: McGRANAHAN, GARWOOD, BENNER, ADSIT, HOOD, HOLLAND, DAVIS 10. Karl Dennis Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., George MUSHRUSH, Isaac Garwood MUSHRUSH, Elt MUSHRUSH, Mary Jo MUSHRUSH, Karl Dennis Other related names to these main surnames: McGRANAHAN, GARWOOD, BENNER, ADSIT, HOOD, HOLLAND 11. Jeff Dudley Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Jacob MUSHRUSH, Sarah Ann MUSHRUSH, Charles HUSTON, Harold HUSTON, Charlotte HUSTON, Jeff Dudley Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN, BRUCE, CALDWEL, SEEMAN 12. Russell Ellis Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Rosannah MUSHRUSH, Lonely QUIGLEY, David Allan ROLPH, Aubrey Adella (Della) ROLPH JAMES, Ida Emma Lissa JAMES ELLIS, Leroy Charles ELLIS, Russell Ellis Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, QUIGLEY, GILLILAND, APPLEDORN, PALMER, JAMES 13. Denise Frederick Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Rosannah MUSHRUSH, Desolate QUIGLEY, Rosannah RAYDURE, (this is exactly the same as Kay's lineage...our great-grandparents were brother and sister), then Caroline WERTZ, Clara Rose HENRY, Ralph Henry BECKWITH, Denise BECKWITH Frederick Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, STANTON, FREDERICK Denise's Home-Sweet-Home page 14. Virginia Gandy Descendancy Line: ???? Other related names to these main surnames: ???? 15. Martha Graham Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., George MUSHRUSH married to Rebecca GARWOOD who was the 2nd Great Grandniece of Richard CROSLEY, Reuben CROSLEY, Sr., John C. CROSLEY, Josiah CROSLEY, Reuben CROSLEY, Jesse CROSLEY, Burton CROSLEY, LeRoy CROSLEY, Martha CROSLEY Graham 16. Grace-Marie Moore Hackwell Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Jacob MUSHRUSH, (this is exactly the same as Nancy's lineage...our great-grandparents were brother and sister) then Sarah Ann MUSHRUSH, Rosa HUSTON, Lyndall CARNER, Mergie MOORE, Grace-Marie MOORE Hackwell Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN, BRUCE, HACKWELL Grace-Marie's Homepage 17. Russell & Kena Hall Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH, Michael MUSHRUSH, Michael MUSHRUSH, Donna Jean MUSHRUSH, Russell & Kena MUSHRUSH Hall Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN, BOYLE, RUPERT, SCOTT 18. Chris Hood Descendancy Line: ???? Other related names to these main surnames: ???? 19. Beverly J. Hopkins Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., George MUSHRUSH, Harriet Isabelle MUSHRUSH, Louise Amber HOOD, Richard Myron ADSIT, Bernice E. ADSIT, Beverly J. MATTOCKS Hopkins Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN, GARWOOD, GIBSON 20. Harold Huston Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Jacob MUSHRUSH, Sarah Ann MUSHRUSH, John HUSTON, Charles Henry HUSTON, Harold Hyman Huston Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTZMAN, CALDWELL 21. Linda Klimko Descendancy Line: ???? Other related names to these main surnames: ???? 22. Pat Madison Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Rosannah MUSHRUSH, Lonely QUIGLEY, Charles Boyd ROLPH, Charles Edwin Hunter ROLPH, Charles Boyd (C.B.) ROLPH, Pat ROLPH Madison Other related names to these main surnames: DOUGLAS, PHINNEY/FINNEY, TATGE, CADY, BUDY, MADISON 23. Diane Martin Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH, Michael MUSHRUSH, Anna Laura MUSHRUSH, Mary Kathryn DALRYMPLE, Adaline Lorraine METZ, Diane Patton Martin Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN, BOYLE, RUPERT, DALRYMPLE, METZ, PATTON 24. Marcia Matthews Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr, Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., George MUSHRUSH, Richard Jefferson MUSHRUSH, Fred MUSHRUSH, Florence MUSHRUSH, Lois DAVIS, Marcia DAVIS Matthews Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN, GARWOOD, SMOCK, FOLSON 25. Donna Mazzucca Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr, Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., George MUSHRUSH, Richard Jefferson MUSHRUSH, Fred MUSHRUSH, Florence MUSHRUSH, Donna DAVIS Mazzucca Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN, GARWOOD, SMOCK, FOLSON 26. Sandy McLean Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr, Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., James MUSHRUSH, Michael MUSHRUSH, Jessie Eliza MUSHRUSH, Mary Jo JOHNSON, Sandra Jo NOLL Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN 27. Dave Mothkovich Descendancy Line: ???? Other related names to these main surnames: ???? 28. Jolene Murphy Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Rosannah MUSHRUSH, Lonely QUIGLEY, David A. ROLPH, Harry ROLPH?, Murry Martin ROLPH, Earl Martin ROLPH, Patricia Darlene ROLPH, Jolene VETTER Murphy Other related names to these main surnames: GILLILAND, BUAN, VANDEWERKER, MURPHY 29. Brad Mushrush Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Andrew J. MUSHRUSH, James MUSHRUSH, Glenn MUSHRUSH (this is exactly the same as Christopher's lineage...our great-grandfathers were brothers) then Robert Eugene MUSHRUSH, James Robert MUSHRUSH, Brad Mushrush Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN Brad's Homepage 30. Christopher Mushrush Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Andrew MUSHRUSH, James MUSHRUSH, Chester MUSHRUSH (this is exactly the same as Brad's lineage... our great-grandfathers were brothers), then Chester MUSHRUSH, John MUSHRUSH, Danny MUSHRUSH, Christopher Mushrush Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN Visit my Mushrush Family Journal webpage. 31. David Mushrush Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., Robert MUSHRUSH, Alfred Barton MUSHRUSH, Alfred Budd MUSHRUSH, Alfred Wayne MUSHRUSH, David S. Mushrush(brother to Steve) Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN, GARWOOD, GLANCY, GELVIN, UNGERAND, TRURAN 32. Eldon Mushrush Descendancy Line: ???, ???, ???, ???, William Lincoln MUSHRUSH, Lawrence Everett MUSHRUSH, Cecil "Eldon" Mushrush 33. Guy MUSHRUSH Michael MUSHRUSH, SR., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Sr, Andrew J. MUSHRUSH, Eli MUSHRUSH, Clarence MUSHRUSH, Valmore MUSHRUSH, Telly MUSHRUSH, Guy Lee MUSHRUSH Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN, PAINTER, PADDICK, DANIELS 34. Grant Mushrush Michael MUSHRUSH, SR., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Sr, Michael MUSHRUSH, Michael MUSHRUSH, William MUSHRUSH, Charles William MUSHRUSH, Grant Holden MUSHRUSH Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN, BOYLE, RUPERT, PENMAN, HARTLINE 35. Jason Mushrush Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., George MUSHRUSH, Richard Jefferson MUSHRUSH, Henry Burton MUSHRUSH, Harry Raymond MUSHRUSH, Timothy Mark MUSHRUSH, Jason Mushrush Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, GARWOOD, SMOCK, CROPP, ROSS, HARDGROVE 36. Kenneth H. Mushrush Descendancy Line: ???, ???, ???, William Wilson MUSHRUSH, William Charles MUSHRUSH, Dorothy Howard Martin MUSHRUSH, Kenneth H. Mushrush Other related names to these main surnames: ???,???,???,???,???,??? 37. Ken Mushrush Descendancy Line: William Lincoln MUSHRUSH, Lawrence Everett MUSHRUSH, Cecil "Eldon" MUSHRUSH, Kenneth Eldon Mushrush 38. Martin Mushrush Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH, JR., James MUSHRUSH, Michael MUSHRUSH, James Aaron MUSHRUSH, Donald Robert MUSHRUSH, Martin J. (Marty) MUSHRUSH Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN, WOOD, HIGLEY, FINNERTY, KITSON 39. Patrick Mushrush Descendancy Line: ???? Other related names to these main surnames: ???? 40. Robert "LeRoy" Mushrush Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr.; Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr.; Robert Roberts MUSHRUSH; Alvah MUSHRUSH; Robert Alvah MUSHRUSH; Robert "LeRoy" Mushrush Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN, GLANCY, STAINBROOK, SCHALLENBARGER and NORRIS 41. Seth MushrushDescendancy Line: ???,???,???,???,???,??? Other related names to these main surnames: ???,???,???,???,???,??? 42. Steve Mushrush Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., Robert MUSHRUSH, Alfred Barton MUSHRUSH, Alfred Budd MUSHRUSH, Alfred Wayne MUSHRUSH, Steve Mushrush (brother to David) Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN, GARWOOD, GLANCY, GELVIN, UNGERAND, TRURAN Visit my Mushrush webpage 43. Telly MUSHRUSH Michael MUSHRUSH, SR., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Sr, Andrew J. MUSHRUSH, Eli MUSHRUSH, Clarence MUSHRUSH, Valmore MUSHRUSH, Telly MUSHRUSH Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN, PAINTER, PADDICK, DANIELS 44. Terry Mushrush Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., George MUSHRUSH, Richard Jefferson MUSHRUSH, Frank MUSHRUSH, Elmer Leroy MUSHRUSH, Terry Mushrush Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN, GARWOOD, SMOCK 45. Philip Nevels Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Rosannah MUSHRUSH, Lonely QUIGLEY, David Allen ROLPH, Melvina Caroline ROLPH, Bonney Armedis NEVELS, Philip Nevels Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, GILLILAND, POWELL 46. Steven Northsea Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., George MUSHRUSH, Louisa Rebecca MUSHRUSH, Mary Millie COLE , Robert Louis RHODES, Michel Rhea RHODES and Steven Northsea Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN, GARWOOD, RHODES, MORRIS 47. Pat Olson Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr. Lonely QUIGLEY, Amanda TURNER married to Hiram BROOKS brother to Asa BROOKS, Charles Rice BROOKS, Rice Breen BROOKS, Patricia M. BROOKS Olson Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN, GARWOOD, BISHOP, WALKER, BREEN, GORMAN, OLSON 48. Marlene Polster Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr., Ellen MUSHRUSH, Margaret Jane "Jennie" BRAMBLEE, Berniece Ellen BUSH, James Charles PETTY, Charles Carleton PETTY, Marlene PETTY Polster Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN, BUSH, BRAMBLEE 49. Kay Ratliff Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Rosannah MUSHRUSH, Desolate QUIGLEY, Rosannah RAYDURE, (this is exactly the same as Denise's lineage...our great-grandparents were brother and sister), then John Stafford WERTZ, Jonathan LeRoy WERTZ, Hazel Elaine WERTZ, Kay Ellen JOHNSON Ratliff Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, QUIGLEY, RAYDURE, BRITT, CRUM, RATLIFF 50. David Rolph Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Rosannah MUSHRUSH, Lonely QUIGLEY, ?????? Other related names to these main surnames: STONE 51. Sandy Schroeder Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Rosannah MUSHRUSH, Desolate QUIGLEY, Dudley Chase RAYDURE, Hester RAYDURE, Alda B. FIRST..............Sandy Schroeder Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SCONDEN, KOHL/COLE, FIRST, BENNETT, SHAFER, SANDBERG, NOBLE, ADSIT, CLAPP, ROHA 52. Gigi Shafer Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH Jr.; Jacob MUSHRUSH; George MUSHRUSH; Charles Milton MUSHRUSH; Walter George MUSHRUSH; Geneva Joyce MUSHRUSH Shafer Other related names to these main surnames: BARRETT, CHALK, CULVER, IRBIN, McARTHUR, McGRANAHAN, SHELLITO, STONE 53. Sharon Shaw Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Sr, Michael MUSHRUSH, Margaret MUSHRUSH, Sarah "Sadie" SEELEY, Ethel Mae HOWE, Ruth Mae WOLFF, Sharon SHAW Other related names to these main surnames: SALTSMAN, BOYLE, 54. Delilia Shepard Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr.; Michael MUSHRUSH, Jr.; Robert Roberts MUSHRUSH; Alvah MUSHRUSH; Robert Alvah MUSHRUSH; (sister to Leroy) Delilia MUSHRUSH Shepard Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, McGRANAHAN, GLANCY, STAINBROOK, SCHALLENBARGER and NORRIS 55. Nancy Wellington Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Jacob MUSHRUSH, Jacob MUSHRUSH, Sarah Ann MUSHRUSH, (this is exactly the same as Grace-Marie's lineage...our great-grandparents were brother and sister) then John HUSTON, Harold HUSTON, Nancy HUSTON Wellington Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, SALTSMAN, BRUCE 56. Marilyn Wheeler Descendancy Line: ???? Other related names to these main surnames: ???? 57. Ken Wicken Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., Rosannah MUSHRUSH, Lonely QUIGLEY, Charles Boyd ROLPH, Charles Edwin Hunter ROLPH, Nellie Cornelius ROLPH, Leora Grace KNOWLTON, Kenneth Boyd Wicken Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, QUIGLEY, ROLPH, DOUGLAS, PHINNEY 58. Dorothy Wooding Descendancy Line: Michael MUSHRUSH Sr., Michael MUSHRUSH Jr.; Jacob MUSHRUSH; George MUSHRUSH; Charles Milton MUSHRUSH; Carl Elton MUSHRUSH; Dorothy MUSHRUSH Wooding Other related names to these main surnames: STONE, IRBIN, McARTHUR, McGRANAHAN, SHELLITO
Visit the webpage of the MUSHRUSH descendants. If after reviewing these descendancy charts, you feel you, too, are a member of this extended family and a direct or indirect descendant of Michael MUSHRUSH, Sr., please email: Denise Frederick to join our little cousin list.
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