LYKE, Opal E. 1885 - 1974 LYKE, Glenn W. 1886 - 1938 LOOMIS, Mabel P. 1881 - 1973 LOOMIS, George V. 1892 (?) - 1984 RAYMOND, Doris Lyke, Wife of Howard May 15, 1917 - Sept. 23, 1989 RAYMOND, Howard S. Michigan TEC 5 170 Ord Depot Co World War II April 15, 1909 - April 13, 1969 LYKE, Mildred E., Wife - Mother "How very special she was to be a part of life's eternal triumph" LYKE, Myrlan G., Husband - Father, 1908 - 1968 "Forever in our hearts" LYKE, Irene, 1913 - 1997 LYKE, Ronald F. 1910 - 1986 LYKE, Carrie S., 1858 - 1928 LYKE, William J., 1860 - 1941 MURRAY, Myrtie M., 1866 - 1947 MURRAY, Frank G., 1861 - 1927 SHEFFIELD, Henry H., 1798 - 1878 SHEFFIELD, Cynthia , 1806 - 1876 SHEFFIELD, Abel W., 1835 - 1913 SHEFFIELD, Angie E., 1844 - 1877 PACKARD, Orson (dates illegible from photo) SHEFFIELD, Rhoda (dates illegible from photo) VANHOUTEN, Hattie A., Born May 21, 1848, Died June 22, 1876, At Rest QUACKENBUSH, Levi C., 1824 -1891, Mary A. Packard, His Wife, 1829 - 1899 PACKARD, Hattie C. (tombstone sunken - dates buried) PACKARD, Willie S. (tombstone sunken - dates buried) PACKARD, Harvey C., 1836 - 1914, Louisa (B.?) His Wife, 1840 - 1925 PACKARD, Fred I., 1868 - 1946 PACKARD, Ida L., 1869 - 1946 BOVEE, Tena L., 1880 - 1926 BOVEE, Son Donald F., 1906 - 1979 TYLER, Donna B. Wife of Jes. W. Tyler, 1875 - 1904 PACKARD, Cyrus B., 1838 - 1906 PACKARD, Elizabeth, 1840 - 1866 PACKARD, Sidney F., 1881 - 1890 PACKARD, H. Maria, 1844 - 1903 PACKARD, Hervey, 1794 - 1862, Lucretia, His Wife, 1796 - 1862 RICH, Fred K., 1909 - 1993 RICH, Helene E., 1913 - 1979 RICH, Edgar H (?), Son of Moses & Louisa Rich, Died Feb 14, 1852, Aged 21 years RICH, Ethel B., 1881 - 1961 RICH, J. Kenneth, 1880 - 1962 RICH, Burton B., 1907 - 1991 RICH, Marian A., 1912 - 1994 FORSHEE, David, 1837 - 1891 FORSHEE, Falcon, Son of David & Eloise Forshee, Died Mar 30, 1889, Aged 2 Mos & 2 Dys WHITTAKER, Glen A., 1889 - 1978 WHITTAKER, Iva A., 1889 - 1970 WHITTAKER, Henry J., 1858 - 1944 WHITTAKER, Carrie V., 1868 - 1918 WHITTAKER, Dale H., Son of H. & C. Whittaker, 1895 - 1908 PINCKNEY, Mary D., 1778 - 1855 PINCKNEY, Joseph, 1777 - 1846 WHEELOCK, Royal, 1801 - 1876 WHEELOCK, Mary A., 1813 - 1912 WHEELOCK, Charles P., 1841 - 1925 WHEELOCK, Sarah A., 1849 - 1933 ALLEN, Nellie E., (no dates) ALLEN, Charles A., 1854 - 1911 LIVINGSTON, Beaumont J., 1889 - 1937 LIVINGSTON, James L., 1917 - 1938 LIVINGSTON, Zella M., 1889 - 1988 McKINLEY, Edythe M., 1887 - 1958
Special thanks to Charla Kurtz for her generosity in allowing this data to be posted to the Washtenaw Co., MI USGenWeb site. Special thanks, too, to Steve Renwick for the donation of the picture located at the top of the page.
This data, like each new piece of information, must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence & it is always best to consult original primary material for verification.
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