A special 'thank you' to Paulette Quartermain who donated the transcribed records for this cemetery in Nov 2000. If you have any questions about the content of this data, Paulette can reached at the following email address: soozieq03@c3net.net
Collins, Alpheus b. 9-24-1790 d. 5-16-1862 m. 10-31-1811 Betsy Hall w/o Alpheus b. 10-5-1790 d. 5-19-1861 Selah Baxter b. 11-12-1812 d. 4-17-1897 s/o A. & B. Permelia Green w/o Selah m. 1833 Josiah b. 5-30-1814 d. 3-5-1888 s/o A. & B. Mary Brown w/o Josiah d/o Talmon m. 1835 d. 5-19-1879 Albert d. 8-26-1828 s/o Alpheus & Betsy age 9 Josephine d. 6-22-1853 age 1yr 10 mo d/o Selah & Permelia William W. b. 5-3-1825 s/o Alpehus & Betsy Maria Palmer w/o William m. 1849 Algernon S. b. 5-8-1826 s/o Alpheus & Betsy James N. b. 11-14-1834 d. 7-1835 s/o Alpheus & Betsy Judson b. 2-12-1823 d. 5-13-1852 s/o A & B William B. b. 7-1-1853 s/o Josiah H. &Mary Brown Mary Hagerty w/o William b. 5-12-1853 d. 5-24-1920 John b. 4-30-1876 s/o William & Mary Herbert S. b. 10-29-1868 d. June 1869 s/o A & B Harrison W. b/ 5-12-1816 d/ 8-11-1858 s/o A & B Mary Ann Ward w/o Harrison m 9-2-1840 d. 1862 age 46 Walter D. b. 12-4-1817 d. 12-1-1855 s/o A & B Lodaneski Baker w/o William D. m. 1847 Isac F. b. 8-24-1819 d. 1862 s/o A & B Mary A. Wolf w/o Isac m. 1842 (dau. of Cherokee Chief) Esther D. b. 8-4-1821 d. 6-10-1849 d/o A & B. Josiah 1852-1854 s/o Josiah & Mary Alfred Alpheus s/o Harrison & Mary d. 1856 age 8mo Walter D. d. 1858 s/o S.L. & M. K. age 1yr 6mo Mariana S. d. 1852 d/o Selah & Permelia age 2yr 8mo Hagerty, Patrick b. Cook, Ireland b. 1826 d. 11-17-1891 Mary White w/o Patrick b. Killkenny, Ireland Sept. 1820 d. 2-22-1896 m. 1849 New York City Collins, Hattie d. 11-9-1858 d/o W.W. & M.K. age 9mo Sadler, Truman S. d. 4-21-1864